Aslan's World travels

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Aslan Reads

In between his travels, Aslan likes to curl up with a good book. His latest favorite is called Our Cat Cuddles by Gervase Phinn. It is a fun rhyming book with colorful pictures about a family who decides to adopt a kitten. Each family member has an idea of what kind of cat would be perfect for them, but no one imagines what kind of cat the tiny kitten they adopt will turn into.

It is a fun story and Aslan recommends it for all of his cat loving friends! Do you have a favorite book you would like to share with Aslan? Maybe one with a cat? Let him know, Aslan loves to read new books!

*Note, Aslan the Traveling Cat was not compensated in any way for his review of this book. He bought it at the store and enjoyed it, and wanted to share with his friends!

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