Aslan's World travels

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Aslan Reads

In between his travels, Aslan likes to curl up with a good book. His latest favorite is called Our Cat Cuddles by Gervase Phinn. It is a fun rhyming book with colorful pictures about a family who decides to adopt a kitten. Each family member has an idea of what kind of cat would be perfect for them, but no one imagines what kind of cat the tiny kitten they adopt will turn into.

It is a fun story and Aslan recommends it for all of his cat loving friends! Do you have a favorite book you would like to share with Aslan? Maybe one with a cat? Let him know, Aslan loves to read new books!

*Note, Aslan the Traveling Cat was not compensated in any way for his review of this book. He bought it at the store and enjoyed it, and wanted to share with his friends!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Kitty Doctor

This week, Aslan took an unexpected trip; to the doctor. Aslan woke up one morning with his ear hurting and found he had a hard time walking. His tummy also felt funny and he didnt want to eat. Just like humans, when pets are sick they need to see the doctor. A doctor who sees animals is called a veterinarian. Veterinarians go to school for a long time to learn all about different kinds of animals and how to take care of them.

When Aslan got to the veterinarian, the first thing they did was weigh him and take his temperature. Then the doctor looked in his eyes and ears and mouth. She saw that he had an ear infection in one ear, which was was probably what was making him not feel good, but she wanted to be sure that was all that was wrong with Aslan. She decided to take a tiny bit of blood so she could run some tests. Aslan was scared but the doctor gave him lots of hugs and before he knew it she was all done.

The tests showed that Aslan was very healthy, except for his ear infection , so the doctor gave him some special medicine. Aslan did not like the medicine very much but he knew it was important if he wanted to feel better. He rested a lot and soon he started to feel like himself again. He was very happy to be able to run and play again, and very thankful to the nice veterinarian who helped him.

Now Aslan is all ready for his next big adventure!